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Model Portfolios


Our strict rules-based investment process is derived from 30 years of trading, portfolio management and market making experience. The portfolios take advantage of the known benefits of diversification, market correlations and passive investing without relying on them exclusively. Our portfolios range from traditional to sophisticated and are used in any combination to create a suitable investment for each investor.

Market Participation Models


​Our ETF based Market Participation portfolios are designed to provide low-cost participation in a diversified portfolio of premier ETFs. The holdings in the portfolio are allocated based on each client’s individual needs and risk tolerance. The portfolio is a blend of both domestic and international equities and fixed income ETFs. Market Participation portfolios are rebalanced quarterly and all dividends are reinvested.


Hedged and Tactical Models


When market correlations breakdown and diversification fails, clients need sound risk management to protect their investment portfolio.  Our hedged and tactical portfolios take advantage of the benefits of diversification and market correlations without relying on them exclusively. Our proprietary portfolios allow clients to remain invested in the key market segments through all market conditions. The hedged models take advantage of the risk management benefits of options while adapting to various volatility regimes. The tactical portfolios adjust with changing market conditions, balancing exposures to factors expected to offer the best risk/reward in the current environment while preparing for transitions to other environments.

Third Party Money Managers








Luminist Capital is partnered with Solomon API and they are an approved 3rd party asset manager. Clients and Advisor partners have direct access to all of the Solomon API portfolios directly through their Luminist Capital accounts.

3rd Party MM

To hear more about available model portolfios submit an inquiry. 

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